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I am a piece of text. Click here and edit me. Just click "Edit Text" or double-click to add content and change the font. It's the ideal place to tell visitors a little bit more about yourself.




full time

your area of responsibility

  • I am a piece of text. Click here to add text and edit me. This is where you can tell visitors a little more about yourself.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here and edit me. Click Edit Text or double-click to add content and change the font.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here to add text and edit me. This is where you can tell visitors a little more about yourself.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here to add text and edit me. This is where you can tell visitors a little more about yourself.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here and edit me. Click Edit Text or double-click to add content and change the font.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here to add text and edit me. This is where you can tell visitors a little more about yourself.

your skills

  • I am a piece of text. Click here and edit me. Click Edit Text or double-click to add content and change the font.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here to add text and edit me. This is where you can tell visitors a little more about yourself.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here and edit me. Click Edit Text or double-click to add content and change the font.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here and edit me. Click Edit Text or double-click to add content and change the font.

  • I am a piece of text. Click here to add text and edit me. This is where you can tell visitors a little more about yourself.

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Phone:  +41 44 585 1119


Aitonomi AG

Pletschenstrasse 20,

3952 Susten



TeleRetail GmbH / Aitonomi Automation GmbH

Wiesenstrasse 70
40549 Düsseldorf 



TeleRetail Inc.

650W California Ave 
Sunnyvale, CA 94 086







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